Ms. Yvette Young

Associate Vice President of Programs and Advocacy


Email address

Telephone number8608035894

Headshot of Yvette Young

Biographical information

Yvette is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Trinity College and her Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Cambridge College. Yvette has twenty – one years of experience working for non-profit organizations as a leader, director, trainer, advocate and clinician. She is currently working as the Associate Vice President of Programs and Advocacy at the Village for Families & Children. Yvette worked as the Human Anti-trafficking Response Team Coordinator for five years and is currently one of the co-Chairs for HART. She provides leadership oversight for the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children, the Juvenile Review Board and Residential programs at the Village. She is an appointed member of CT Advisory Council for Victims of Crime. She is a board member for the YWCA of the Hartford Region, the Underground and a member of DCF’s Statewide Racial Justice Committee. She is a consultant for the National Human Trafficking Technical Assistant Center. Yvette has expertise related to racial justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Yvette is a TEDX speaker on the topic of human trafficking. She is a published Forbes author on the topics of Human Trafficking and Anxiety.