Dr. Vahid Behzadan (Vahid Behzadan)

Director - SAIL lab , Assistant Professor of Computer Science


Email address

Telephone number2034794723


Biographical information

Vahid Behzadan is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Data Science. He is also the founder and director of the Secure and Assured Intelligent Learning (SAIL) research group, and mentors the University’s hacking team. Dr. Behzadan’s research is primarily on the safety and security of artificial intelligence and complex adaptive systems. His pioneering work on the security of deep reinforcement learning is recognized as seminal contributions to this growing field of research. Dr. Behzadan’s recent work includes publications on the applications of machine learning to security and safety assessment of complex systems, such as driverless cars, unmanned aerial systems, and smart cities. He has presented numerous invited talks on the security of machine learning, and applications of data science in cybersecurity at venues such as the Open Web Application Security Project (OWSAP) foundation, the Black Hat conference, and UK’s Transportation Research Laboratory (TRL). His research on the psychopathological approach to AI safety has been featured in national and international news.