Ms. Rebecca L. Allen

Director of Recovery Advocacy


Preferred pronounshe/her/hers

Email address

Telephone number(860) 377-8745

LinkIn accountrebecca-allen-mph-b697507b/

Headshot of Rebecca  L. Allen

Biographical information

Rebecca Allen MPH: Director of Recovery Advocacy
Rebecca grew up in eastern Connecticut and has worked in the behavioral health field for over 20 years. She received her undergraduate degree from Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU) and a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Connecticut (UConn) in 2015. Rebecca works as the Director of Recovery Advocacy for the CT Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR). CCAR provides peer-based recovery support services to people with alcohol and/or other drug addictions. CCAR also strives to remove the stigma that surrounds addiction and recovery through advocacy, education, and service and by “putting a face on recovery.”
As part of CCAR’s Leadership Team, Rebecca directs the advocacy efforts of CCAR and the larger Recovery Community. She identifies herself as “a person in long-term recovery” and has been drug-free for over 24 years. “I’m fortunate to work for an organization where I can share my personal story of recovery and use myself as an example that people can and do recover.” Rebecca’s drug of use was heroin so for her, the ongoing “opioid epidemic” conversations are personal.