Pavani Rangachari (pāvani)

Professor & MHA Director

LocationNew Haven, CT

Preferred pronounShe/Her/Hers

Email address

Telephone number(864) 270-2214

LinkIn accountpavani-rangachari

Headshot of Pavani Rangachari

Biographical information

Pavani Rangachari, Ph.D., CPH, serves as Professor of Healthcare Administration and Public health and Director of the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) program in the School of Health Sciences at the University of New Haven. Her expertise is in health policy and administration, including healthcare organization, delivery, financing, health disparities, and public health. Her special interest lies is the implementation of innovation and change in healthcare organizations.

Dr. Rangachari has received independent research grants as Principal Investigator from the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and has published numerous primary-authored articles in the fields of healthcare management, leadership, health informatics, and public health. Her scholarship has contributed towards the: 1) identification of evidence-based management strategies for successful innovation implementation in healthcare organizations and 2) development of policy implications for consistent implementation of evidence-based and patient-centered care practices to promote population health. Her research projects have also contributed towards improving healthcare practices and outcomes at her study institutions. Dr Rangachari’s scholarship has been recognized at a national level with the Best-Theory-to-Practice Paper Award" from the Academy of Management Healthcare Management Division and nomination for the “Distinguished Paper Award” from the American Medical Informatics Association.

Dr. Rangachari is Certified in Public Health (CPH) and is an elected member of the Alpha Gamma Chapter of the Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society. She has served on a variety of journal editorial boards and grant review panels for federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, and AHRQ. She currently serves as Associate Editor for BMC Health Services Research, Associate Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Healthcare Leadership, Guest Editor for the International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health, and on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy.