Prof. Norris M. Haynes (Nor ris Hay nes)


LocationNew Haven

Preferred pronounHe, Him

Email address

Telephone number2033926402

Headshot of Norris M. Haynes

Biographical information

Norris Haynes, Ph.D. is Professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department at Southern Connecticut State University where he also served as Founding Director of the Center for Community and School Action Research (CCSAR). and as Chairperson in the Counseling and School Psychology Department. Dr Haynes remains on the clinical faculty at the Yale University Child Study Center where he was Associate Clinical Professor and Director of Research and Evaluation for the Yale Comer School Development Program for many years, He was also Assistant Professor at Howard University in the Department of Psycho-educational Studies before joining the faculty at Yale University. He was a postdoctoral fellow in Psychology at Yale University and holds the Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and the Master of Business administration with a concentration in health services administration from Howard University. He holds the Master of Science degree and the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Counseling, and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the State University of New York,

Dr. Haynes is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and holds Diplomate Status in the International Academy for Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy. He is a licensed psychologist and has worked extensively with children and families. He has served on several editorial boards for professional peer review journals. He is a member of the founding Leadership Team for the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and is a member of the national leadership team for the Social and Emotional and Character Development (SECD) program at Rutgers University. He served as a member of the national expert panel on school violence and as a member of the Character Education Blue Ribbon Schools Review Panel He is a member of the National Study Group on Supplementary Education. He is the Founding Executive Director of Educational and Psychological Solutions, (EPS) LLC. Dr. Haynes is a member of the CarouSEL Advisory Board and Founding Team Member.

In addition to serving as a consultant to many schools and school districts across the United States, and to universities and organizations nationally and internationally, including in his native Trinidad and Tobago and South Africa. , Dr. Haynes has served on the Harlem Children’s Zone Advisory Committee on Research and Evaluation. He is the author of numerous peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and monographs. He has authored and co-authored several books and assessment scales, including the Yale School Climate Scale.