Prof. Noel A. Cazenave

Professor of Sociology

LocationHartford, CT

Preferred pronounhe/him

Email address

Telephone number18605489799

Headshot of Noel A. Cazenave

Biographical information

Noel A. Cazenave is a professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut. In addition to numerous journal articles, book chapters, and other publications, Professor Cazenave coauthored Welfare Racism: Playing the Race Card against America’s Poor, which won five book awards, and has since then published Impossible Democracy: The Unlikely Success of the War on Poverty Community Action Programs, The Urban Racial State: Managing Race Relations in American Cities, Conceptualizing Racism: Breaking the Chains of Racially Accommodative Language, and Killing African Americans: Police and Vigilante Violence as a Racial Control Mechanism. His current book project is tentatively entitled Kindness Wars: The History and Political Economy of Human Caring.