Dr. Lloyd A. Blanchard

Interim Chief Financial Officer at University of Connecticut

LocationWest Hartford

Email address

Telephone number(225) 921-4351

Headshot of Lloyd A. Blanchard

Biographical information

Lloyd Blanchard currently serves as UConn’s Interim Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer. He is a seasoned public administrator with wide-ranging government and academic leadership experience. He has been a senior White House budget official, chief operating officer of two public organizations, deputy chief financial officer at NASA, and an academic executive at Louisiana State University and the Medgar Evers College of The City University of New York. He has also served on the public administration faculty at the University of Washington and Syracuse University, and directed a consulting practice in performance management for a risk management consulting firm. Dr. Blanchard’s research and published work has centered on social capital, education policy and finance, racial and ethnic disparities in education, and disparities in small business lending.