Linda K. Lavelle (Laa vell)


Email address

Telephone number(203) 438-2914

Facebook pageLinda Starr

Headshot of Linda K. Lavelle

Biographical information

I moved to CT 51 years ago after graduating from Hunter College with a B.A. in American History. After briefly teaching American History and Civics, I stayed home to raise my three children.

Divorce interrupted that plan and I needed a marketable skill to be able to support my children. Back to school I went, this time to Norwalk State Technical College and earned an A.S. degree in Architectural Engineering. These were some tough times, carrying 15 credits a semester, working part time, and caring for my children, the youngest of whom was only 7.

After graduating (with honors), there were years in the construction industry both as a designer and estimator (for prisons) until I became a Certified Kitchen Designer and happily spent 25 years “in the kitchen.” As a natural foods cook and founder of the Ridgefield Food Coop, healthy food preparation in beautiful surroundings worked well.

After the children were grown, I took adventure travel trips to exotic places (exploring new cultures), learned to sail, and zydeco and swing dancing became my passions. Now married and retired, I am an active researcher and writer with the goal of doing whatever I can to save this country from the destructive path into which it is rapidly descending. Traveling and dancing helps me keep my sanity!