Ms. Iliana Pujols ((il-ee-ah-nuh, poo-jols))

Policy Director


Preferred pronounshe/her

Email address

Telephone number2035192878

Twitter account@ilianap_

Headshot of Iliana Pujols

Biographical information

As the current Policy Director of the Connecticut Justice Alliance, Iliana began her work with the Alliance in late 2017 as one of the founding members of the Justice Advisors. In July of 2018, Iliana joined the full-time staff of the Alliance and has since played a critical role in recruiting, training and supporting the Justice Advisors as well as determining the policies and practices of the organization’s work. Iliana is a 2017-2019 Youth First Initiative’s Youth Leaders Network Alum, a 2019 CT Public Allies Alum, and a 2019-2021 Annie E Casey Foundation Youth Advisory Council Alum and currently serves as a member of the 2021 World Congress on Justice with Children Child and Youth Advisory Group. She is a frequent panelist for national organizations, speaking to her expertise around youth and young adult partnership and advocacy based on her personal experiences and professional success.