Gian-Carl F Casa

President/CEO of CT Community Nonprofit Alliance

LocationNew Haven

Email address

Telephone number(203) 804-6901

Facebook page"Facebook: The Alliance: The Voice of Community Nonprofits

Twitter account@ ctnpalliance

Headshot of Gian-Carl F Casa

Biographical information

“Gian-Carl was chosen in 2016 to be the first the President and CEO of the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, which represents the wide spectrum of community nonprofits across the state.

From 2011-2016 he was Undersecretary for Legislative Affairs at the state Office of Policy and Management, working closely with the Governor’s office during difficult economic times.

Before that he was at the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities for more than two decades, most recently as Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, advocating for towns and cities.

He is available to discuss matters affecting Connecticut’s community nonprofits, including state and federal policy and budget matters affecting private providers of health and human services and other nonprofits.”