Mr. Daniel Pearson

Executive Director

Preferred pronounHe/him/his

Email address

Telephone number(203) 313-0863


Headshot of Daniel Pearson

Biographical information

Raised in Central Florida in an impoverished area, Daniel experienced the inequities in our public school system firsthand. He has dedicated his life to public service and works every day to help bring about the structural changes needed to address the many injustices that plague our society.

Daniel received his bachelor of arts in political science from the University of Central Florida and a master of public administration from American University. He served two years with AmeriCorps and has solely worked with nonprofits throughout his career. In addition to his professional work, Daniel is a board of director for Health 360, a nonprofit that promotes health equity in underserved communities.

Daniel is currently the Executive Director for Educators for Excellence-CT, a teacher-led nonprofit focused on student equity and elevating teachers voices in public policy decisions. He firmly believes that teachers need to have a leading voice in improving our education system.