Mrs. Christina Quaranta (Chris-Tina Quar-ahn-tah)

Executive Director


Preferred pronounshe/her/hers

Email address

Telephone number2038148452

Twitter account@Xtina4Justice

Headshot of Christina Quaranta

Biographical information

Christina Quaranta is the Executive Director of the CT Justice Alliance (CTJA), a youth adult partnership and public policy and advocacy organization located in Bridgeport, CT. CTJA’s mission is to end the criminalization of youth. Christina has been with CTJA for over five years and became the ED in 2021, previously serving in numerous other roles in the organization. Christina pushes for legal system reform that recognizes youth, families and communities as the most important stakeholders. More broadly, she is committed to dismantling systemic racism across CT so all people can be free to realize their potential. The youth and families she works with are a constant inspiration to her. She wants their voices to be heard, respected, and incorporated into the policy discussions that will impact their lives.

Christina holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Southern CT State University and a master’s degree in Public Administration, with a concentration in nonprofit management from Fairfield University. When Christina is not boldly advocating for meaningful policy change, she enjoys spending time with her husband, dog, and daughter. Her favorite hobbies include travel, going to the beach, and trying new adventures.