Attorney Alan Bowie (AL-EN BOW-EE)

Senior Legal Counsel of BIC Corporation

LocationNew Haven

Preferred pronounHe/Him/His

Email address

Telephone number(203) 668-1492

Twitter account@

LinkIn account

Headshot of Alan Bowie

Biographical information

“I currently serve as Senior Legal Counsel for BIC Corporation. In my position, I am a trusted advisor and partner to the Human Resources Department on key-employment matters from the outset of employment through termination of employment. I am also responsible for managing all litigation matters impacting the company in North America.

Prior to joining BIC, I spent several years in private practice working as an advisor and litigator. As an advisor, I counseled clients on compliance with state and federal laws and other preventative measures and handled investigations. As a litigator, I defended clients before state and federal administrative agencies, the federal and state courts and in arbitration proceedings. I secured several victories for clients in the trial and appellate courts.

Outside of my practice, I am engaged actively in my local and national organizations. I present regularly to businesses, internal clients and other lawyers on a variety of topics and have had articles published by the American and Connecticut Bar Associations. In my hometown, I serve on several non-profit boards and chair the City of New Haven Board of Ethics. In addition, I have previously taught legal writing at the Yale Law School. Further, I was selected as an Academy Fellow for the National Employment Law Council’s Academy Fellows Program in 2019 and now serve on the Planning Committee.”