Mx. Adrian Huq (A-dre-an Huck)

Youth Program Coordinator


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Email address

LinkIn accountadrian-huq-07828619b

Headshot of Adrian Huq

Biographical information

Adrian Huq is a youth climate activist and organizer from Derby, Connecticut. Adrian graduated from New Haven Public Schools in 2020 and is now an undergraduate student at Tufts University majoring in Applied Environmental Studies. They serve as the co-founder of New Haven Climate Movement’s Youth Action Team (established 2019), a group of high school and college-aged activists who fight for investments and policies by the City of New Haven to address the climate emergency and mobilize community members to learn about climate change. Within the team’s Climate Education Committee, Adrian contributed to successfully pushing the New Haven Board of Education to implement interdisciplinary climate education in 2021 through the group’s Climate Justice Schools proposal. Since 2018, they have also been working as Youth Program Coordinator of the Climate Health Education Project in New Haven to engage local school communities on climate education. They help facilitate a student internship during the school year which advances youth leadership on climate education in New Haven area high schools.